Adopting a Child Born In BC
There are 3 ways to adopt a child born in BC:
(i) Through the Adoption Agency
This requires the preparation of a homestudy by Sunrise. Birth parents choose from our of approved families. The children are infants whose parents are unable to raise them for a variety of reasons and are looking for loving parents. Sunrise must approve the match. There is no guarantee of a placement; however a significant number of families do adopt.
(ii) Direct Placement
A Direct Placement is when a person you know wishes to place their child with you for adoption. There are strict timelines involved to complete the requirements, so if this is your situation please contact us as early as you can. A Direct Placement must also involve the adoption agency.
(iii) Adopt a Waiting Child
The Ministry of Children and Family Development has hundreds of children in its care who desperately need loving families. They are BC’s Waiting Children. There are no fees involved in adopting a waiting child in BC from the Ministry. If you would like more information about BC’s waiting children visit the Ministry website, or call 1-877-236-7807, the Adopt BC Kids info line which is run by the Adoptive Families Association on behalf of the Ministry.